Avions militaires



Min-aluminum products are helping military aircraft become lighter and stronger.


Reliable and innovative structural materials

To be mission-capable, military aircraft must be made from the best materials available. Lightweight and strong, aluminum parts enable aircraft to fly faster, with increased agility and heavier payloads. Aluminum’s corrosion-resistant properties ensure that aircraft are available to fulfill military missions when needed.

With our portfolio of proprietary alloys (including those with low density) and our commitment to finding collaborative materials solutions, Min-aluminum is the perfect partner for the world’s military aircraft makers.


Aircraft programs

Our materials are being used on the fighters, the aircraft uses advanced materials to achieve the program’s objectives. To make the aircraft stronger and lighter, its designers chose our innovative 7050 et 7140 alliages, which also offer greater corrosion resistance.

Our improved materials are also extending the life of existing aircraft. Under the close collaboration with the manufacturer has led to replacement of legacy materials in the bulkheads, skins and other key structural components of the aircraft with our new alloys.