Food and Beverage



Metal packing has been evolved from the temporary storage function into a main preservation means for long term storage. Aluminum has excellent mechanical properties of high strength therefore it can be precessed into thin-walled containers with high strength and unbreakable. They are safe for  packaging products in storage, carrying, transporting, loading & unloading.

The aluminum can offer a variety of shapes, formats and techniques to effectively appeal to consumers 100% and infinitely recyclable, aluminum is produced in ever-thinner forms that retain structural and protective integrity while reducing resource consumption.


  Aluminum can body stock

Min-aluminum is the leader in the can industry, meeting the challenges of growth and providing innovative solutions for our customers.

Our rolling mill teams have extensive experience in the can body stock market, boasting dedicated production lines, highly developed expertise, and customer-oriented innovations. We also offer responsive technical support to address customer challenges.


  End and tab stock

The highly efficient degreasing and coating lines enable us to meet customer requirements involving width, gauge and coating (epoxy-free, water-based, etc.). Our end and tab production offers a variety of solutions including new alloys for downgauging, alloys for new designs and shapes, and coatings that anticipate new customer demands.

Our extensive experience and profound knowledge of can production processes enable us to offer optimized products of consistent quality certified under ISO standards. At Min-aluminum,  we both follow the latest research and help to shape recommendations and conclusions in the field.

Responding to customer processes is important in a quickly evolving industry. Our technology helps us meet specific customer requirements, from new end and closure specifications to improvements in formability. Our innovative support handles a variety of major topics including downgauging,closure alternatives and new surface applications.